Norma and Chris Boushey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Norma and Chris Boushey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



My Story

Chris and I began our Scentsy journey in April of 2009. We have since retired from my nursing career and Chris's teaching career and we are both work Scentsy from home and on the road…and yes, we are still married!

We have met some wonderful people who we are honored to call friends and mentors and they have absolutely enriched our lives.  We have traveled to Hawaii, DisneyWorld, Dominican Republic (twice), Boston and the Bahamas, all paid for by Scentsy as incentive trips for doing our business well. If it weren’t for Scentsy, these trips and the 5 star accommodations would have been out of our reach.

We have built a wonderful team in the United States, Canada, and Germany, and can call them more than teammates. We enjoy Scentsy training events together and being on this team is a collaborative journey by all.  It is absolutely rewarding to watch others on our team grow and prosper with this business.

So think about beginning a new journey and lifestyle and contact us. We won’t promise instant wealth or that this is easy, but we will tell you it can be simple and profitable. It has been for us.


What's warming in my home